I Wish I Was Queer So I Could Get Chicks

by Bloodhound Gang

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:05 p.m. ← Back

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One Fierce Beer Coaster

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2nd → Bass
3rd → Guitar
4th → Percussion

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55 KB




My friend Jer-ry Van-der-grift kissed me in Home Ec class La-ter in the af-ter-noon some jar-heads in the lock-er room kicked my ass I said guys I'm like you I like Mon-ster Trucks too Wan-na see how ma-ny push-ups I can do? I just wish I was queer so I could get Chicks dig guys that are Queer guys that don't dig Chicks that don't dig guys like me See I'm not queer I'm too ug-ly But if I were hand-some just i-ma-gine how great it would be In-cog-ni-to as a gay though but not ac-tual-ly that way though pseu-do ho-mo pho-ny May-be it's a stu-pid the-o-ry or may-be just stu-pi-di-ty But if I was a queer-bee in the fash-ion in-du-stry Sco-ring with a su-per-mo-del would be easy 'Cause su-pe-rmo-del means vo-lup-tu-ous but al-so is sy-non-y-mous with su-per-dumb Ya see I'd be a good list-ener so she'd treat me like a sis-ter and soon I'd be-come That trus-ted friend that cares that rubs her back and braids her hair No it would-n't take a week be-fore I'm in her un-der-wear I wish I was queer so I could get Chicks dig guys that are Queer guys that don't dig Chicks that don't dig guys like me See I'm not queer I'm too ug-ly Does-n't mat-ter what I'm pack-in' in my de-nim it's what's in my genes The on-ly smoked meat the on-ly sausa-ge I would eat is made by Jim-my Dean See I'm not too keen on the smell of Va-se-line No I'm not Prin-cess Di and I don't wan-na be a queen I just wish I was queer so I could get chicks A-ny-way if I were gay I'd have to change my name to Dirk or Lew-is Hang out with my mom's hair sty-list his name is Kip he's got a lisp he talks like this And wear my moth-er's lin-ge-rie and learn the songs of Broad-way And ap-pre-ci-ate De-peche Mode and a-vant-garde bal-let I wish I was queer so I could get Chicks dig guys that are Queer guys that don't dig Chicks dig guys that are Queer guys that don't dig Chicks dig guys that are Queer guys that don't dig Chicks that don't dig guys like me See I'm not queer I'm too ug-ly And I don't shave my hei-ny Don't shave my hei-ny See I'm not queer I'm too ug-ly And I don't shave my hei-ny Don't shave my hei-ny See I'm not queer I'm too ug-ly And I don't shave my hei-ny Don't shave my hei-ny See I'm not queer I'm too ug-ly